Migrants Research Census

We conduct market research in several ways. It all depends on the nature of the study. Our methods are divided into five categories: Surveys, focus groups, interviews, observation, and field experiments, On the other hand, we opt sometimes for using secondary research methods, which include exploring internal or external data.

Immigration Market Research

Immigration is a complex field that intersects with various aspects of society and the economy. Conducting market research on immigration involves understanding trends, policies, demographics, and the needs of both immigrants and the receiving country.

This market research helps in understanding the demand for immigration services, potential areas for improvement in policies, and opportunities for businesses or organizations to support immigrants in various aspects of their journey.

Our steps and considerations are outlined below.


Start by analyzing demographic data, such as the current immigrant population, their countries of origin, age groups, education levels, and employment sectors. This helps in understanding the target market.

Policy Analysis

Stay updated on immigration policies and regulations. Changes in laws can significantly impact the market dynamics. Analyze visa categories, requirements, quotas, and any proposed policy changes that might affect immigration patterns.

Economic Impact

Assess the economic impact of immigration. This includes examining how immigrants contribute to the workforce, their spending habits, entrepreneurship rates, and their impact on local businesses.

Competitor Analysis

Analyze other countries' immigration policies and initiatives. Compare their approaches to attract and retain immigrants and evaluate their success rates.

Surveys and Interviews

Conduct surveys and interviews with immigrants, potential immigrants, employers, and relevant stakeholders. Gather insights into their experiences, challenges, preferences, and needs.

Future Trends

Predict future trends in immigration based on global events, economic forecasts, geopolitical changes, and advancements in technology.